About Fréa
Our Story
Fréa comes from the Irish word ‘fréamh’ meaning ‘root’. We’re rooted in our shared Irish heritage and a duty to care for the vulnerable in our Irish communities across the North of England.
Fréa was formed as a partnership between three long-established Irish charities: Irish Community Care, Irish Community Care Manchester and Leeds Irish Health & Homes.
Combined, these three charities have been providing culturally-sensitive support and lifeline services to vulnerable Irish people in Leeds, Manchester and Merseyside for over 100 years.
“Ní neart go cur le chéile”
As the Irish proverb says, “ní neart go cur le chéile”; there is no strength without unity.
Our goal as a partnership is to become more resilient and to build more sustainable and diverse income streams. That way, we can free up more funds for our lifeline work - and continue transforming more lives for years to come.
Fréa would not exist without individual gifts and donations, generous corporate support and grants from the Government of Ireland’s Emigrant Support Programme. Find out more about how you can support Fréa.
“To see someone move from struggling with the alphabet to becoming more fluent in their reading is something that will live with me for the rest of my life.”
— Volunteer